about Peartree.
Since 1998, Peartree’s ceramic studio has been home to talented artists, pet lovers and resident feline friends. From Calgary, Alberta, Canada, we personalize one-of-a-kind ceramic pet impressions using our original, customized process. Each phase provides our artists with the time needed to apply their careful, creative craftsmanship to your imprint. This commitment to quality gives it the respect, attention to detail and personalized service it deserves.
Every impression you entrust to us receives Peartree’s hands-on approach; all are processed, painted and packaged entirely by hand. Peartree has proudly personalized over 200,000 impressions for veterinary businesses and pet owners across North America.
Everything we do honors the connection between pets and their owners.

about Karen.
Animals and art are Karen’s two abiding passions. And Peartree perfectly combines both.
Karen has a deep connection to her own pets and has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to design, artistry and handmade processes. These shared joys led to Peartree’s creation more than 25 years ago.
Back when Karen pioneered her first clay impression kits and personalizing services, she had no idea of the hundreds of thousands of impressions that would pass through her careful hands, nor did she know all the ways she would innovate. From developing resealable clay containers to refining glazes, navigating clay reformulations, and developing the first commercially available tinted clay impression kits, Karen has evolved her products and services to keep Peartree at the forefront of the industry.
At the same time, Karen remains committed to the meticulous handcrafting techniques that she developed when Peartree Impressions began in 1998.

our artists.
Our highly trained artists are masters of our techniques and processes. Many hold degrees from recognized art institutions.
Employing artists is important at Peartree. We appreciate and value their contributions by providing a working environment that celebrates their talent, creativity and dedication.
our studio.
As a company dedicated to aesthetics, the place we call home is an important reflection of who we are and what our brand represents. That’s why our beautiful, airy studio means so much to us. From the moment we set foot inside the 1960s-vintage building in Calgary’s Greenview Industrial community, we knew we’d come home.
A studio made to make memories amazing.
Peartree initially flourished from its space in a residential backyard garage (and soon filled an additional outbuilding and the house next door). The chance to adapt, align and improve our operations in a 4,000-square foot open space was a game-changer.
Peartree’s entire workspace is a bright, light-filled 21st-century center of ceramic excellence. We’ve upgraded and expanded our kiln fleet, and our team of artists enjoys spacious personal workstations, which they share with our live-in studio cats. We’ve also made room to welcome our clients with a private personalizing consultation area.
customer testimonials.
Peartree has been delighting pet owners with our handcrafted impressions for more than 25 years. Here's what just a few of those customers had to say.

Ready to get started?
Just select your preferred style of impression to order your kit today! We'll take care of the shipping.